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3 Tips for Becoming a Green Fleet with an Alternative Fuel Program Installer

Posted by Shayna Johnson on Jun 1, 2017 11:40:00 AM

Becoming a Green Fleet with an Alternative Fuel Program Installer

5 Reasons to Buy a New Bus-2.jpgWhat does it mean to have a "green fleet"?

It's more than just a buzzword.

It's about having a dedication to running your fleet in a responsible and sustainable manner which seeks to minimize the impact of your activities upon the environment.  Whether it's a fleet of buses or shipping trucks or any other large number of working vehicles, a green fleet is future-focused and genuinely concerned about the impact we're having on the world around us.

As an alternative fuel program installer, the team at Green Alternative System outlines some basic guidelines for what constitutes a green fleet.

Three Factors That Constitute a Green Fleet

1. Minimizing gasoline use.

This, of course, is the big one! Our world's gasoline reserves are dwindling and the process of extracting, refining, and using gasoline creates substantial amounts of pollution and waste at every step in the process. shutterstock_96372869-1.jpgOn top of that, it is one of the most expensive fuel sources - and trending upwards every year.

The good news is that there is more alternative fuels available than ever before, including electric, propane, and natural gas systems. By partnering with an alternative fuel program installer, you can often upgrade the engines of your existing vehicles at a price that will quickly offset by the cost-savings.

2. Optimizing routes.

Switching to a fuel besides gasoline is a great start, but it's even better if you can carry that on by looking toblog titles-33-137228-edited-1.png minimize energy use across the board. Smart optimization software can greatly reduce your fuel use on runs and such software is getting smarter every day. Factors like live traffic reports can now be integrated to be an effective gage.

Also, look for smart driving tips to pass onto your drivers, like how turning left across traffic is actually incredibly wasteful in most circumstances - particularly for large vehicles. Try to find ways to limit the waste within your route this could make a huge difference in your fuel efficiency.

3. Perform regular maintenance.

Finally, remember that optimizations only remain optimal if everything is in good working order.  A green fleet is a well-maintained fleet. Even seemingly-minor issues can become wasteful in the long run. For example, tires which are 25% deflated will ultimately add around 2% to the fuel use of every trip! So, stay on top of vehicle maintenance.

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Turn to Green Alternative Systems as Your Alternative Fuel Program Installer

Green Alternative Systems is fully certified by Ford and GM to do green-conversions for these vehicles. Contact us to learn more about our conversion programs!

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Topics: Fleet conversion, save money, propane fleet, Green Alternative Fuel, bus fleet, Green, Green fleet, fuel program installer