Common Myths About CNG Vehicles for Sale and Alternative Fuels
With each year, more businesses start looking into upgrades to convert their existing fleet into Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles or even investigating CNG vehicles for sale to replace an old or outdated fleet. The benefits of moving to alternative fuel are growing constantly, while the benefits of remaining on traditional gasoline are shrinking.
However, some are still held back by pervasive myths (many spread by the gasoline industry) about Compressed Natural Gas vehicles for sale as well as upgrade packages. We wanted to take a minute to address some of the most common of these.
Dispelling Some Common Misconceptions About Alternative Fuel Vehicles
- Consumption isn't changing.
While it's true that global gasoline usage is continuing to rise, this is largely due to many developing nations deploying infrastructure. In most of the developed countries of the world, including the US, gasoline usage is flattening out and even beginning to dip. The rise of alt-fuel vehicles is making a difference.
CNG is too expensive.
This is one of those half-truths that the gasoline industry likes to trot out. It's true that on a strictly gallon-to-gallon basis, CNG is more expensive than gasoline. However, it has much better energy efficiency and equivalent gas mileage! In terms of real-world usage, Compressed Natural Gas is moderately cheaper. Further, its prices are much more stable than those of gasoline so its costs are more predictable as well.
- CNG is unsafe due to pressure, flammability, etc.
This is simply not true at all and is pure scaremongering. In virtually all applicable ways, CNG is safer than gasoline. Among its advantages:
- Released CNG is lighter than air so it will not spill or form pools. Leaks naturally disperse rather than creating hazards.
- CNG’s ignition temperature is 600 degrees (F) higher than gasoline.
- It has a much narrower flammability range.
- The tanks storing CNG are significantly stronger than gasoline tanks.
Simply put: Under standard operating conditions, there is a significantly greater risk of explosion or inadvertent ignition with gasoline than with CNG.
There's Never Been a Better Time to Invest In CNG
The truth is that Compressed Natural Gas is truly "ready for prime time." It's affordable, it's safer, and it's steadily becoming available from more and more outlets. If your business is interested in CNG upgrades or CNG vehicles for sale, it's a great time to buy.
Contact the team at Green Alternative Systems to learn more!