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The UN Recognizes the Global importance of Sustainable Public Transportation

Posted by Shayna Johnson on Nov 4, 2016 2:31:43 PM

Sustainable Public Transportation and Its Global Importance:

In 2015, the UN adopted a series of Sustainable Development goals. The aim of this initiative is to reduce the degradation of the planet's climate while simultaneously improving the quality of life for huans and animals across the globe. The plan is split into 30 different goals each to be fulfilled by the year 2030. Engineer Dan Shechtman said it best when he said, “Sustainable development requires human ingenuity. People are the most important resource.”Steve 008.jpg

Part of this initiative is to obtain sustainable public transportation around the world. This goal will reduce the use of harmful carbon dioxide emissions caused by unsustainable fuel and transportation systems--like those seen in many heavily populated cities such as Beijing, where air pollution has reached critical levels in recent years. This program is also intended to improve the economy by reducing gas prices and providing affordable transportation in cities across the globe. 

The push for sustainable public transportation isn't a goal that can be left to the government alone however. Many local municipalities are already locked in the struggle to overcome transit congestion and pollution problems. Fortunately the UN's initiatives have been met with substantial private support such as the KfW Development Bank in Germany which has pledged 1.2 billion dollars for the private development of sustainable public transportation.

Sustainable public transportation is something that affects humankind on a global level. We at Creative Bus Solutions support the UN's initiatives for improving access to clean, affordable public transportation to all. In line with the UN's initiatives we have a number of vehicles that utilize clean, naturally sustainable energy such as the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) system.

 Please contact us today to learn more about ways we're looking to help increase the use of sustainable public transportation in our communities. Are team of Alternative fuel professionals are here to help you decide what Alternative fuel is best for you.

Topics: Green Alternative Systems, GAS, Sistainable, public trasportation, global, Conversion